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 Growing Through The Pain

Growing Through the Pain: Breaking Generational Curses was written to inspire and encourage individuals to use their voice to tell their story.

Project |03 Manifest Your Miracles

Manifest Your Miracles is a book created to help others to see the power within them to manifest the life that their hearts desire.


Project |04 The Empty Journal

The Empty Journal is a journal created to help Mother's and Daughters  communicate.

 It’s been said that communication is key, but I believe comprehension is just as important. I’ve learned that people can talk all they want but if no one comprehends what the other is saying, there is no resolution. 

In this Journal you will be able to express how you feel and convey to your mother or daughter without someone yelling at each other or dominating the conversation. It can be very intimidating to talk to your mother when you fear her. Sometimes when we talk we say the wrong thing and we can’t take it back. This journal will help you release stress by helping you to use your voice.

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